Wednesday, May 5, 2010

4.0 GPA

I checked online and my grades for this past semester are posted... all A's and 4.0 GPA! :-) I am very happy about that. I never knew I was that smart! I didn't apply myself like I should have in high school and in college when I got my associate's... I think my college GPA from before was around 3.2 something. So I'm starting my second round of college well. :-)

In jewelry news, there's this blog that somehow found my blog. That blog is called Blog Giveaways. Suddenly I was getting all these entries for my giveaway from people I didn't know and I looked on my feed of where people were coming from and a lot of them were coming from that website, so I went there and I was among several blog websites having giveaways (I'm among the several on their first post on May 4). I have no idea how they found my site, but I'm glad they did. I like lots of entries! :-) I'm excited for my first giveaway to end and find out who won. I will use the "True Random Number Generator" on the main page of RANDOM.ORG, which my sister Melissa told me about. Whatever number comes up out of however many numbers of entries I receive, that will be the winner.

I got off work a little earlier than usual today to go with my mother-in-law up to Salt Lake City to a display store, which has different things to display stuff... I think there are things to display other things besides jewelry. I was looking forward to this little trip this week and I'm excited with what I got, which is all very nice-looking and will display my jewelry very nicely! I got a bracelet stand (with 3 levels to put my bracelets on), an earring rack that you can turn, a tray to lay all my pendants in, and 3 little stands to display a few of my necklaces. I also got a few other little things.

In other news, I am super excited to go to Stars on Ice in Salt Lake this month on the 26th. I decided to pay good money for our tickets, so we should have pretty good seats. :-) So I've been on a little bit of a happy high with some good things happening. Now if only I can get more sleep so I'm not so tired ....


Rebecca Adams said...

Hehe! I love seeing other people happy! It makes me happy! Good job with school! Good luck with your jewelry business! And have fun at the Stars on Ice! :D

Karey said...

Great job on the 4.0! And great job on the jewelry talent and giveaway. Don't you just love doing something creative like that!

It's nice to check in and see how you're doing!

Leslie said...

way to go!!!

and how exciting about your jewelry blog.

have fun at the Stars on Ice. sounds like so much fun.