Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Stepping Down

I think not many people update their blogs anymore (including me).  It's probably good to update it at least every few months anyway.  :)  The latest about me is that I have decided to step down from being a Project Manager.  After 6 months, it just wasn't getting any easier and I don't think I have the personality or mindset for it.  I'm grateful for the things I was able to learn and for the opportunity to grow in the position (yes, stress helps me to grow and helps me realize I can do anything... almost).  The past 1 1/2 weeks, I've been helping my replacement off and on and also helping with team samples to be caught up.  Starting Monday (maybe before), I will be a Team Leader again (much less stress than a Project Manager!).  Having that stress just wasn't worth the money.  I am hoping Jeff and I will still be able to save money with him doing full time school and part time work.  We'll sure try!  It's only for 2 more years (starting in January) and then he'll graduate!  I'm so happy we have a definite countdown now instead of wondering how much longer it will be.  :)

1 comment:

GlowWorm said...

less stress is better