Monday, December 22, 2008

Snow... Please Stop!

Please stop already!! I'm sick of the snow and driving/walking in it. I hate being cold. Below are a couple pictures I took after I got home from work. I got home right after Jeff did (after I got gas). I couldn't get my car over the foot of snow in the parking spot to the left of the vehicle you see below. Jeff tried to park my car, but ended up spinning my tires (hence the darker snow right above our balcony railing). So he took this spot (he was gone getting gas in his car at the time I took these pictures) ....

And my car got to be in a covered spot, as you see in the picture below (we take turns taking the covered spot, and this week was Jeff's turn). Click on picture to make it bigger and you'll see it's still snowing ....

1 comment:

Dottie said...

I wish we were getting some more snow. It's better than the brown eyesores in my backyard! Enjoy your white Christmas.