Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Nope, I am not Assistant Project Manager ... but that's okay!

Well, I didn't get the position. The reason that position was open was because the Assistant Project Manager got the Project Manager position. I guess the Project Manager before decided to step down from it. But she got the Assistant Project Manager position, so it's like they switched places. But that's okay! The new Project Manager said it was a hard deicision and that she appreciates all I do, which made me feel good. I would have liked to get more pay and vacation hours and try something new, but I'm content where I'm at and won't be on salary pay and won't have to deal with any stresses and responsibility that come with that position. :-) And I like the team I'm on and my team leader. So all is good!

1 comment:

The Jensens said...

that's a good attitude. :)