Friday, September 5, 2008

Uh oh, I was tagged!

1. link the person who tagged you
2. post the rules
3. tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

#1 Rebecca (not my sister)

#2 see above

1. Even though I COULD sleep in when I go to bed late and go into work later (since my job is flexible), I choose to get up very early (4:45 these days) and get to work at 6:00 and leave work in the early afternoon. I love getting off in the afternoons. :-)

2. Even though pickles and cucumbers are from the same thing, I like pickles but hate cucumbers.

3. I've been known (at least by my hubby) to make nose crinkles for lots of emotions, namely for things I don't like or things that disgust me, or like the picture below... happy! I'm guessing a few other emotions, too, but those two are the main ones.

4. I get extremely nervous when I ride with other people. I'm not saying anyone I ride with is a bad driver 'cause they're all good drivers! My family was in a car accident when I was 10 (and my brother got hurt pretty bad, but he's fine now) and I think that's why I'm nervous when I'm riding with other people and there are lots of other cars around. Most of the time, I prefer to be the one driving.

5. I'm just getting over my cold and one thing I love about my colds is that I LOVE talking in a squeaky voice. When I say 'squeaky' in a high-pitched voice, it comes out all squeaky and it's funny. Also, when I try singing when my voice isn't good during a cold... hahaha, it makes Jeff laugh, which in turn makes me laugh! :-)

6. It's hard for me to explain things sometimes. Like I know what I want to say in my head, but it's hard for me to make everything in my head come out of my mouth. It's also been VERY hard coming up with 6 'quirks' of mine, but there you have it!

#4 tag 6 peeps (hazards of friendship) <--- I like what Rebecca (not my sister) had on her blog, so I'm keeping it, hehe

1. Melissa
2. Rebecca (my sister)
3. Mindy
4. Kristen
5. Casey
6. Megan

Anyone else not on this list who would like to do this, too, feel free! :-)


Leslie said...

very interesting facts about yourself.
thanks for sharing.

Leslie said...

this is VERY late, but i just read your birthday posting.
happy birthday.
p.s. you are NOT fat.

Mindy said...

Fun facts! I'll go fulfill my tagging... ;)

The Jensens said...

hmm, sounds fun. Let me think of the quirks and then I'll post. ;)